Deep inside I broke, all over again.
This is ridiculous, but just a moment ago I was trying so hard not to cry & I've just realised the fact that when you're hurting, I bruise too.
I know, I already said that it's ridiculous, & as much as I want to, I won't/don't want to/am afraid to, approach, or even go near, you.
& anyway, I guess right now I'm nobody to do or say anything.
I ought to talk about something happier before I tear again.
Monday night out with THE clique was fun, it was nice catching up with Kieran & especially Leandra, seems like we haven't spoken ever since the episode of, Stacy-world-just-got-screwed-because-of-you.
The booze went around like it was free, & all of us had clean forgotten about the fact that I have to go back to the doctor's next week.
Kieran says that if all of this nonsense continues, sooner or later I'll die of liver failure.
What rubbish.
Had a heart-to-heart talk with Fiona yesterday, & thank you best friend, even though sometimes it's almost impossible to tolerate you & you can be SUCHHHHH a bitch at times, you know that I still love you (:
Sat around 406 together with Gabby, playing poker cards & eventually,
& damn, I'm starting to regret writing & drawing all those stuffs, I really hope nobody who knows about it sees my artwork, especially not... *cough*
Otherwise my life will be over.
So. Over.
& OH today just marked the start of my EOYs, I seriously think I'm crazy because I'm not anxious at all & hell yeah I really do amaze myself.
Oh-kay oh-kay oh-kay I know you're getting bored.
Let the pictures do the talking then.
Childrens' Day 07

Being the photowhores (:

Hello Walter, & I really have no idea who's hand it is, ahem.


Ivan, & Philip with his Coke. Erm, Coca Cola -.-!

Benjamin Nelson Lim (:

Stephanie being the usual retard :D

Me being the usual photowhore, with WenKai's bag that just happened to be in the way -.-



Sammy Sam Sam!

Gary Chiu needs a haircut.

So adorable? I know!

Ruth was just one of the many victims that fell to my prank (:

Gary Chiu seriously needs a haircut.

Glen, Gary, & Justus Sim with the funny green & yellow colour combination /:

I have no idea what's with the clips. I promise.
Don't pay attention to Edmund who's jumping around like a Lemur, listen to Aunty Judy who's talking in the background. Comical, I say.
Adorable little Josiah playing Zero Point, Stephanie in the background with the words, "I am bored" written all over her face.
Listen to the rubbish Edmund is saying in the background.
"Don't jump too high ah, I cannot catch you" -.-!!!!!
Uncle Norbert & his Kachang Puteh stall -.-
John & Gary ATTEMPTING to play Sepak Tekraw.
Gary was being rather annoying towards the end.
00:33 -
John: I wonder how the Malays do it!
Gary: ... There's a reason why you're not a Malay.
01:11 -
Jeshua appears out of nowhere with the broom -.-
Even though I was exhausted after everything, it all paid off because I know that the kids had fun (:
Darn, I actually took 1 & a 1/2 hours to post this whole thing.
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