Three days ago, Darren told me that I should be careful of who I trust.
This is crazy, I have no idea how I made it through this week, there's too many misunderstandings, & I. Don't. Even. Have. A. Clue. As. To. What. The. Hell. Is. Going. On.
What's more, the whole damned world knew about it & they actually kept me in the dark.
That includes the ones whom I thought I could trust, & confide in the most.
The people whom I trusted in, left me there alone to drown in my pain.
No one stepped out to stab me, & to give me the final blow.
Did you people think that I'll be too weak to deal with it?
Did you people think that I'll break down & cry, all over again?
Sure, I'll be down, I'll cry, but that doesn't mean that I've got to be down in the pits for like, eternity.
You people know I'll eventually pick myself up, & that I'm much stronger than that.
Why, does it thrills you to see me in pain, did all of you want to see me hurt again, that's why you're waiting for me to recover before you stab me?
Darren hit bulls-eye.
The only thing was that, his warning came too late.
I don't know if I should laugh, or to cry.
I'm the one who got hurt, I'm the one who cried, yet now, I've got the backbone, you're the one who refuse to face me & look me straight, eye to eye.
I'm not avoiding, neither am I running away, so why should you?
& one last thing.
Velvetkisses says she wants to be back in the team.
Damn it, I think I've got to shut her out.
Otherwise, I don't know.
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