Stacy :D

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

My right wrist is hurting so bad ):

Due to unforeseen circumstances, my trip has been canceled at the very last minute.
I'm still kind of upset but I guess there's no point in brooding about it.
This loss has made me seen how important it is to treasure the ones around you, because the very next moment they could be gone.
We always say, "tomorrow", but you'll never know, because tomorrow may never come.

Thank you Oniichama, for keeping me company till the wee hours, also for listening to me & all of my nonsense.
You've been really wonderful & I really don't know how I'd make it through yesterday night without you around (:

My rockers, thank you for the smses & phonecalls.
You guys blow my mind & my life wouldn't be the way it is now without all of you.
Even after all this time, you guys are still the ones that know me best.
Though we don't see each other much now, you know you still have a friend in me (:
Let's break it down now, rockers, I love y'all.

School was unfruitful today, I was just moping around, spent the whole 2 hours of my art lesson doing something that was totally irrelevant to my topic, & I spent my chinese lesson surfing the net from my phone ("Stop wasting money!!!!" the older brother said).

Somebody should come surprise me & brighten up my oh-so-monotonous life on Valentine's Day or something ):