If you think that you're going to bring me down, you can forget about it because that's not going to happen.
I was made by that pair of hands that equipped me with this something called perserverance.
Time is what we've got, so let's just wait & see who has the last laugh.
I am feeling like a pig now, Marche was fantastic, I had so much fun catching up with les amies, eating, & laughing over stupid things like how some people make perfect gay partners.
& oh Gary got this huge ice cream soft toy back for me from Hong Kong, & it was rather annoying having to drag the bulky thing around with me in Vivo but hahah, at least he remembered me while he was away! (:
The funny thing was that the plastic bag smelt of Nivea... That vainpot.
Tons of pictures taken, I don't know why but nowadays I seem to really love my pictures in greyscale or sepia toning.
Started photowhoring even before we left church, hah.

Say hello to Doctor Stacy (:

The emotional kid -.-

With my favourite girl! (:

I triedddd to smile, I swear!

Yay ice cream yayyyy.

Stupid pig didn't even tear away the price tag.

I thought the top looked very much like poop.

Isabella & Tabitha

Welcome to the

Isa (:

I really don't know what they hell they were doing, but hahah.

Look at Steph. Such an uncanny resemblance...
She reminded me of him.


Hello Lester! (:

Hahah okay

Anabella, Tianyun, Flippy, Sam, Lester, & the rest of us couldn't be seen.

The root beer bottle that looked rather, evil.

See what I mean -.-

Hah don't drool.


Flippy doesn't like me taking pictures when he's eating! /:

HAHAHAH don't we all just adore Stephanie.

Flippy, Sammy-Sam-Sam, Lester, Chris, & your Highness! (Hahah.)

Anna & Tianyun, hahah.

"You want kill me ah, kill lah, kill lah!"

Oh-kay we were trying to act like some maniacs but apparently we failed.

If you're wonder what Lester & Chris are doing...

They're playing the I-squash-your-finger-you-squash-mine game! (:
HAHAH this is the funny part.
We literally shouted their birthday song, I think everyone at Marche could hear us, hahah.

"Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you!"

The birthday girls (:
Then we went outside, & I promise the view was beautiful, but it was too dark for me to take a snapshot, even with the flash on.

Hahah I had SUCH a hard time climbing up the stupid cow, & I think we weren't supposed to climb on it but...

Who cares.

Isabella, Stacy, Tabitha, Stephanie
The girlfriends (:

We were supposed to take jumpshots, I really don't know how it ended up like this -.-

This was what I could do to capture the view.
I was sitting alone while the rest were talking away, & unknowingly, I had actually started singing:
Watched the stars crash in the sea
If I could ask God, just one question
Why aren't you here with me, tonight"
So many things, but yet just One Thing was going through my mind.
Memories played like a film without sound & at that moment I had a sudden urge to tell you how much I love you, even though I know that you won't reciprocate my feelings.
Too many words left unspoken, too many things I haven't done, too many regrets left behind.
I miss you.
Left for home after satifying all of our cravings at the arcade, I feel so guilty for making Sam & Lester accompany me, but thank you gentlemen!
Les amies! <3
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