Someday we'll know, if love can move a mountain.
The weather today made me feel like staying in, & just as I was about to step out of the house I suddenly didn't feel like going to Parklane anymore, but for Fiona's sake, ohwell.
Maybe the reason, was because I knew that Parklane would remind me of too many things.
& it did, it really did.
It got so bad, I had to bite myself just so I wouldn't cry while I was walking.
Now for something, happier.
Welcome to the Ladies.

I'm sorry Fiona, I really am, but I really couldn't stop myself from posting this picture up, hahah.
Don't ask me what's with my constipated look, I was trying really hard not to burst out laughing.

"Cb lah! I making my hair leh! Why you take picture of me?!" says Fiona.
"Uhhuh, I can see that," I replied.
"Uhhhhhh ~"

When Fiona's being, Fiona. (I didn't strip her I swear!)
& then my camera ran out of battery ):
I think I ought to learn how to smile again.
It sounds really stupid, but I'm serious.
While I was looking through my older pictures, I realised that I haven't gave a true, genuine smile in such a long time.
After Fiona left I actually went shopping on my own.
Crazy much?
Some people are probably going to label me mad but that's okay, it's not the first time anyway.
I did have fun though, just walking around aimlessly & spending money like we can just pluck the dollar notes off the trees, hahah.
Gary's back from Hong Kong, that lucky asshole.
While I'm here *cough*mugging*cough* for my papers, he's out in Shopping Paradise.
I need a Holiday & I'm in greater need of getting out of here.
Dinner at Marche tomorrow, together with the to-be-birthday-girls & the rest, I'm still deciding if I want to go, Vivo is like SO the-end-of-the-other-world to me, but then I really miss catching up with everyone, I don't know why but I really miss all of them, it's only been a pathetic week but it feels like I haven't seen them in a million years or something.
& OH Leona's nick says:
{` leona ❤s jane & STACYFKJ! <3
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