I gave him my heart,
& I wasn't afraid to fall
7 papers down, just 2 more to go & I'll be free!
Fiona & I decided to make our way to Sembawang Park yesterday despite the lousy weather, & just before that we were going in & out, up & down, & all around Sun Plaza just so we could decide on the perfect place to get some booze.
We settled for NTUC eventually, hahah.
Fiona managed to pass off as an 18 year old & got the Vodka, tsk, goes to show how *cough* matured *cough* she looks.
Bumped into Jason, Dickson & David Goh, & Jason INSISTED on tagging along, it's probably just because we've got booze, hahah.
No doubt we had a fun time, but within that few hours there was too, a helllll load of trouble.
Dickson & Jason both ought to learn how to shut up & listen, instead of being so reckless all the time.
Now here you people go,

Our favourite Fiona advertising for our Raspberry Vodka.


Hahah David, Hahah.

NOT, for your eyes.

The bottle says it all. Ignore what's in the background.

Jason, groping away at David's chest, LOL!


This is what you get,

When you equip Dickson with something that's highly flammable.

Fiona drowning her sorrows ):

Fiona the ssssmoke machine.

Credits to Dickson & Jason, it was this can of burning Jolly Shandy that nearly landed all of us in trouble.

Not forgetting to be the usual photowhore.

David would flip if he ever sees this picture.

Quality guarantee :D

Hey there Fiona,

"Tsunami!!!" says David -.-

I wished you were there to watch the sunset with me.

Look at Fiona! LOL!

I own the damned road.

Scratch that, WE owe the road.
We've had our lives changed, loves lost, & hearts broken, but we're still in this together.
Let's pack nothing & leave without a note.
We'll lie on the coast off the Dead Sea, & we'll tan naked.
We're gonna feel the wind blowing in our hair, & we won't care if it gets messy.
We'll sleep in the clothes that we're wearing, & we'll wear the clothes that we sleep in.
We won't know where we're going, but that's okay.
We'll go as fast as our legs can take us, & we'll forget about the rest of this world.
The both of us will escape, & they're not going to get us.
Then maybe, just maybe, we'll be able to get rid of all this pain.
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