Yesterday night I was looking through my stuff, mostly the cards that the many people have given to me over the years, & I stumbled upon one particular card written by someone last Christmas, this someone was someone whom I had been really close to, so close that I gave him a part of my heart.
The card read:
"Hey Stacy, glad to know you're back on track with everything. We all say Christmas is a time of thanksgiving right? So I want to say thanks for being a great friend through the few years I've known you. When you go back to school hope you don't go haywire! By the way, I think you're quite lively, haha... And... STOP TOUCHING MY HAIR!!"
I smiled at the, stop touching my hair, part.
It brought back quite alot of memories, it's funny because when I first got to know him I hated him right to the very core because he said something wrong, but then with time my impression of him changed & we became rather good friends, I still remember vividly how I'd take every chance I could to mess up his hair, then in turn he'd chase me all over the place just to get back at me.
We simply followed our hearts & I believe the rest is history.
Things, of course, were nowhere near this screwed at that point of time, & honestly if I knew things would become like this I wouldn't let myself fall deeper.
There is alot that I want to say, but then I don't know where to begin.
That aside, on a lighter note, I managed to finish baking & packing the cookies yesterday night (though I only finished at like, 3 am)
I was so tired after all of the packing, I think I fell asleep once my head hit the pillow.
I really wonder what is it with me & heels, the first time was during D&D when my heel got stuck in the drain, the second time the strap snapped, & today my heel totally gave way when I was jumping around in Powerhouse, I need to go shopping for new heels like, asap.
Dinner at Isa's was grrrreat, I had so much fun being camwhores with Steph, playing the "jumping" game (apparently the craze is still on even after camp), looking at Sam then bursting out into laughter, munching on Hershey's with Philip, & pictures would be uploaded soon once I get them from my dearest Stephanie Loh Si En.
I can't believe it this is like the last week of my holidays, time flew like a dove & I really have no idea where all my homework is, they're probably in a quiet, dark corner of my closet rotting away.
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