Stacy :D

Friday, December 14, 2007

Now you're gone, now you're gone
There you go, there you go
Somewhere you're not coming back

Earlier today mummy & I were talking about M, who passed away when I was younger.

I've been so caught up with life that M was pushed to the back of my mind.
However tonight I found myself thinking about him, & life would be so different for both mummy & I if M was still around.
If there was a way I'd let him know that I still think about him, he was such a big part of me & when he left I broke apart.

Perhaps it's just a part of me that'll never change, so many years have gone by, but I realised that the wound, has never healed.

This pain is so real, it's so hard to bear at times.
Maybe at one point or another, all of us would have to learn to deal with this, this gaping hole that'll never close up.